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Faeries Oracle

58 - Ffaff the Hooter

Being Real. Earthing. Grounding. Centering.

Just as life is becoming surprising, exciting, and very interesting (though not necessarily fun), Ffaff the Hoot Ffungus Ffaery comes along to check out our feet. He picks up one foot in his remarkably strong hands and looks it over for ffluff between the toes, smelly ffungi, and dirty, untrimmed toenails. If he finds any of these signs of disrespect for our feet and for Earthmama (walking on her with grubby ffeet, yuk!), he marks them by making holes in our socks. If things are really bad, he sends mice to eat our dancing shoes so we will be forced to dance barefoot in the dewy meadows under the moon. If it happens that we have snow instead of dew that is just our tough luck.

(Warning: Ffaff may have fungi on his fingers from someone else's foot, and if our feet are not clean, both energetically and physically, the fungi are apt to take root.)

He leaves that foot in the air while he inspects the other foot, lifting it up as well. Having done his inspection job, he wanders off, leaving us standing there with both ffeet in the air. "And," Ffaff snickers, "usually, conffused expreffion on your ffaces."

This is not a good position for a human to be in. This is a test. Repeat: This is a test! You have been warned. The test is to get both ffeet, excuse me, feet back on terra firma. Do not try to do anything important or make any significant decisions until you have come back to Earth. Anything you attempt to do while standing with your feet in the air is apt to not work - if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, it will work - but not at all in the way you intend or hope.

Quick Faery Tips for Earthing

Stroke your feet gently with both hands, each one for five minutes. You can also check for holes in your socks while doing this.
Paint your toenails bright red; then your toes say a cherry (or should that be cheery?) "Heya!" to you when you look at them, and this reminds you to keep them on the ground. Even when you can't see them, it will probably still remind you, especially if you are a man.

Starter Reading

Breathe. Ground. Center. (If you can't remember how, read "Preparing for a Reading") Maintain (or recover) sanity by staying earthed. Do this now! Important information is coming your way, but you can only receive it properly if your feet are on terra firma and your head is well connected to the rest of your body.


Oh, help! Get someone to send a balloon up and pull you back down to Earth with it. This is urgent. It is difficult, sometimes impossible, to contact you from Planet Earth while you are floating off in your own personal soap bubble. Do come back. Do this right now! The world is full of sharp edges for soap bubbles to run into; then they go pop! and tumble us onto the hard ground or into dark and dangerous waters below. The better choice is to bring our own selves down gently into the embrace of Earth-mother.
Alternatively, learn to fly properly.

This card reversed can also speak of those who draw their energy from others rather than from the source, Ekstasis's song (Card 2), having lost awareness of that fundamental connection. It can indicate that we have lost a proper sense of ourselves as whole and holy and are seeing ourselves as much less than we are.

"The transformative power of Faery turns muck into magic, dross into shining gold, black despair into crystalline joy. As life grows out of death, good can grow from all things we call bad."

The Faery Challengers